recommended nightstand fixtures.
•3191: evenings, by steph & mav
the morning diptych collaboration between maria vettesse & stephanie congdon barnes continues through the evening with this second & last installment. it is quietly inspiring & calms the soul. mav & steph offer almost-daily, striking yet understated vignettes of their art & domesticity, & somehow the unplanned diptychs of their photographic captures seem to serendipitously speak to one another. do follow mav & steph’s shared blog, which has evolved to include their words & recipes to accompany the photographic sneakpeeks into their lives, 3191 miles away from one another.
•love & free, by ayumu takahashi
my dear helena recommended this one to me. tis a compilation of photographs & writing by ayumu (age 26), who, with his new wife & favorite brand of cigarettes, left japan to explore the earth over the span of almost two years. his insights are simply beautiful, leaving me to wonder how much more poignant his writing is in its original japanese. please please find yourself a copy to read through & through, & share it.
•spiral market: wrapping, by spiral market
pretty parcels. there’s not much more that i could really add to that. if you’re around mid-city los angeles, treat yourself to a visit to ok store, browse the cleverly curated art & objects & literature, & pickup this book (for $25). for more, see the lovely packaging flickr group, established by ohhellofriend's danni hong.
be well.